Join Us!
Jasper Highlands is serviced by a volunteer Fire Department and Auxiliary. If you are interested in becoming a firefighter, please click here. If you would like to help on the Auxiliary, we would love to have you join us!
The Auxiliary meets once a month, usually on the fourth Tuesday, 9:30 A.M. Central. See the Firehouse Calendar for the next scheduled meeting. We are divided into committees, described below. If you wish to give your time and/or talents, please contact the committee chairperson and let them know. Some residents cannot attend the monthly meeting but can help in other ways, so don’t hesitate to ask. Thank you!

The Executive Officers are nominated by other Auxiliary members and serve one-year terms. They determine the direction/goals of the group, take meeting minutes, keep financial records, and coordinate efforts with JHVFD.
President: Dave Harp
Treasurer: Anna Johnson

The Vial of Life Committee prepares the VOL kits, and distributes them to new residents.
Anna Johnson

This committee sells fire extinguishers to JH residents several times per year.
Pat Clancy

The Fundraising Committee raises money to apply toward purchasing the current needs list items for JHVFD and to support other activities conducted by the Auxiliary.
Suzanne Montague

This committee serves as the official welcome committee for Jasper Highlands. Members will visit new residents to deliver welcome packets, answer questions, and provide information about JHFD safety initiatives, etc.
Kris Rector
Shirley Nona

The Communications Committee maintains the web site, email master list, Business Directory and Firehouse Calendar.
Deanna Cunningham
Martha Kerekes